
How to Get Qatar Work Visa – The Complete Guide

Qatar is one of the richest countries in the Middle East. This Persian Gulf region has well-planned economic strategies. There is no lack of work for foreign nationals in Qatar in the oil and gas resources. 

The new malls inaugurated in Qatar have also opened their doors to give jobs to the people.

It is easy to find a job in Qatar, but the hard part is getting a work visa or work permit for Qatar. 

A permanent residency visa, a work visa, and a work permit are crucial documents to work in Qatar. In this blog, you will get information about how to apply for a work visa for Qatar. 

Requirements to Obtain Qatar Work Visa

When you get a job in Qatar, your boss or employer becomes your local sponsor and arranges your work visa and permit. Here are the documents you need to send to your employer to get a work permit as well as a residence permit to begin employment in Qatar. 

The following documents are necessary for applying for a work permit:

  1. The employment contract from the employer 
  2. An application form from the Ministry of Labor
  3. An attested medical certificate proves you are healthy and have no contagious disease. 
  4. A copy of your passport
  5. Your two passport-size photographs
  6. Your attested educational certificates
  7. Your immigration card
  8. Your employment visa
  9. Your biometrics, including fingerprints

Once you get a work visa, apply for a residence visa to stay in Qatar.

The following are the documents you need to obtain a residence permit for Qatar. 

  1. Your valid passport
  2. Your two passport photographs of the employee
  3. Your employment visa
  4. A commercial registration
  5. A commercial registration copy of the company that hires you for a job in Qatar. 
  6. Your attested medical certificate

Application Process for a Work Visa for Qatar  

Qatar is one of the member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). that follows a relatively complex process when the point is to hire a foreign employee. 

To commence the process for a work visa, your employer or boss who has hired you needs to register with the Immigration Department within the Ministry of Interior. 

Your employer needs your documents like your attested medical certificate, & educational documents, etc., to get your work permit. 

Read More: Educational Certificate Attestation in Dubai, UAE

On the approval of your work visa permit, you will get an Immigration Card and a Representative Card.

Keep one thing in your mind to attest to your documents from the attestations from the concerned State Government Department. Ministry of External Affairs, Qatar Embassy, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) Qatar, you need to submit translation copies of your documents into the native language of Qatar.

You can apply document attestation for Qatar via SEPL Document Clearing LLC in Dubai. The MOFA officially approved the SEPL Group to complete the applicants’ attestation procedure without any hindrances. SEPL Group provides you with fast, reliable, and affordable attestation services. 

Once your employer gets your work permit, he will apply for your employment visa, which is a kind of permission for a foreign worker to work in Qatar. 

Once you receive your work visa for Qatar, apply for educational and medical document attestation as it is verification to confirm the authenticity of your documents.

After getting your attested documents, travel to Qatar within seven days. Once you reach Qatar and join your company, request your employer to apply for your residence permit in Qatar. 

Work Permit for Women in Qatar 

If you are a woman living in Qatar on a family residence visa, you need your husband or parents’ permission to register yourself for a work permit in Qatar. 

Costs of Work Permits in Qatar

A Qatar residence work permit is quite expensive, but the best part is that you do not need to pay for that because your employer will pay for your work residence permit in Qatar on your behalf.

Your employer will pay QAR 200 for your employment entry visa, which is needed to enter Qatar. On the other hand, to convert your employment entry visa to a work residence visa, your employer will pay an extra QAR 500. 

Changing or Renewing Work Permits in Qatar

Inform your employer three months before the expiration date of your work permit. According to the government’s Residence Services portal, ask your employer to renew your work permit. Your employer has a Qatar Smart ID card to apply online for your work permit renewal. 

Consult us if you or someone in your known is planning to shift to Qatar on a work visa and needs services for document attestation. We are the largest document processing company in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), provide all types of document attestation services, and are dedicated to maintaining the highest business standards. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can I Leave Without Canceling My Qatar Work Visa to Go to Another GCC Country With a Work Visa?

It is an illegal task to shift to another country on a new work visa without canceling your previous one. The work visa cancellation process is easy. It is better to cancel your work visa in Qatar from shifting to another country because the government can blacklist you and take legal action against you. 

Why Was My Qatar Work Visa Rejected?

By the way, a work visa is applied by the employer. In such a situation, if your work visa is rejected, then there may be some of the following reasons:-

  • There is no clear evidence of your return to your home country.
  • The immigration department does not get detailed information about your employment. 
  • Information on your application form does not match your documents or the answers you give in the interview. 
  • Your documents are not attested.
  • If you have any criminal record, your visa application can be rejected. 
  • Your documents are not in Arabic, the native language of Qatar. 

How Can I Check My Qatar Working Visa Status?

To check your visa status, visit the MoI website (Ministry of Interior), select visa services, visa inquiry, and printing, check your visa or passport number, select your nationality and fill in the verification code, and submit your application and check your visa status. 

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