
How to Get Qatar Work Visa – The Complete Guide

Qatar is one of the richest countries in the Middle East. This Persian Gulf region has well-planned economic strategies. There is no lack of work for foreign nationals in Qatar in the oil and gas resources.  The new malls inaugurated in Qatar have also opened their doors to give jobs to the people. It is […]


New UAE Labour Law- Everything You Need to Know

Do you know that now you can change your job in the UAE during the probation period? The UAE government has introduced new labour laws that influence existing employment contracts and modify and add new, more helpful, and advanced future agreements between employers and employees. The UAE is the country with the highest number of […]


What is Equivalency Certificate & Why is it Required?

An Equivalence certificate from the Ministry of Education in the UAE confirms that the educational qualification you received outside from UAE is equal to the UAE education standard. What is Equivalency Certificate? Equivalency certificate in UAE for Indian degrees is mandatory when you are planning to get admission to a university in the UAE. The […]


What is KHDA & KHDA Attestation & Why is it Required?

Why is Dubai the best? The number of immigrant students in Dubai is high because the education system has a better and more systematic system than in other countries. KHDA attestation is necessary on your educational documents issued by the KHDA non-licensed private schools, universities, or other institutes.  Read More: Educational Certificate Attestation in Dubai […]