
How to Get a Spouse Visa in Dubai – The Complete Guide

Dubai is an ideal country to earn, live and raise a family. This country has a world-class infrastructure, healthcare and education systems, medical facilities, top-notch universities, high-quality sports and entertainment, and hundreds of multinational and local companies. 

Dubai has all you need to live a quality life, valuable job opportunities, and fields to expand your business.

With the best systematically arranged education and employment sectors, Dubai is a safe place to live with your spouse and raise a family. 

A husband and wife can become a sponsor for their partner if they have a residential visa for Dubai. 

This blog covers everything needed to get a spouse visa in Dubai. 

Getting a Dubai Spouse Visa for a Husband or Wife 

A husband can sponsor his wife’s visa if he earns a minimum of 3000 with accommodation or 4000 AED without accommodation in Dubai. 

On the other hand, if a wife wants to sponsor his husband’s visa in Dubai, she must belong to one of the two employment categories such as;

1. A wife who is a teacher, medical professional, engineer, or government employee with a salary of 3000 or 4000 AED without accommodation, is eligible to sponsor her husband’s visa in Dubai. 

2. If a woman is working under the other employment category, like a travel agent, advertising coordinator, sales or media relation prep, etc., with the salary minimum or goes up to 9000 AED. 

Sponsoring More than One Spouse

A Muslim immigrant can sponsor his two wives if he has a bank guarantee of 5000 AED and falls under the terms and conditions set for the immigrants. 

Read More: How Many Days Does It Take to Process Family Visa in UAE?

Documents Required to Apply to Get a Spouse Visa in Dubai

  1. Passport Copies of both husband and wife 
  2. Photographs of Husband and wife 
  3. Income certificate of the sponsor 
  4. Visa copies of the sponsor 

Along with these documents, a few other certificates and documents you need to sponsor your spouse’s visa in Dubai. 

Here are the documents you need to sponsor your spouse’s visa in Dubai

1. Attested marriage certificate from the document issued by the state home department, the ministry of external Affairs (MEA), and the embassy of Dubai. 

2. A husband or wife sponsoring her spouse must submit an authorized tenancy contract in the spouse’s name. 

3. The sponsor must submit his labor card to sponsor his family in Dubai. 

4. Medical certificates of the spouse and child over 15 years from the authorised clinic. A medical certificate must have attestations from the concerned departments of the document-issued country and the embassy of Dubai. 

5. A wife who comes under the other category planning to sponsor her husband needs approval from the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs Dubai (GDRFA). 

Who Cross-Check Documents for a Spouse Visa in Dubai?

The General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs Dubai (GDRFA or DNRD) is the department in Dubai that verifies your documents and application to process your request for a spouse visa in Dubai. The department cross-checks your application and documents to accept your request to sponsor your husband or wife. 

Procedure to Get a Spouse Visa in Dubai 

You can consult a visa processing company in Dubai for your spouse’s visa or visit the immigration department. When you approach an expert agency for your spouse’s visa in Dubai, you save time and money. The agency knows the in and out of visa processing very well. The team will help you complete your visa stamping process with less hassle. 

The visa stamping agency will submit your application to the concerned authorities and the GDRFA department to get approval for your spouse’s visa in Dubai. After the application is processed, you can inform your spouse to get their medical test done, which is mandatory to confirm the authorities about your health condition. 

The cost and time consumed in visa stamping for a spouse in Dubai depend on various factors, such as the time GDRFA takes to check your documents. 

Spouse Residence Visa in Dubai 

Once your spouse or child arrives in Dubai, apply for their residence visa, which is as vital as an arrival visa to stay in Dubai. Apply the residence visa and begin the application process right after the arrival of your spouse. The residence visa is generally valid for three years. 

The following documents are necessary for your spouse’s residence visa in Dubai. 

1. An application form signed by the sponsor and the applicant. 

2. The original passports of the sponsor and the applicant. 

3. Three passport-size photos of the applicant and sponsor. 

4. Entry permit of the sponsor and applicant. 

5. Attested medical certificate of the applicant. 

6. Proof of health insurance of the applicant. 

7. Residence visa copy of the sponsor. 

8. Emirates ID and labour ID cards of the sponsor. 

Validity and Renewal of a Spouse Residence Visa in Dubai

The duration of the residence visa depends on the applicant and the sponsor. If the sponsor has applied for one, two, or three years of spouse residence visa, he needs to apply for the renewal of the spouse visa three months before the expiry date. 

The spouse residence visa is reliant on or linked with a sponsor residence permit. When the dependent visa expires, the sponsor has thirty days of grace period from the residence visa expiry or cancellation date to obtain a new residence visa. 

If the sponsor fails to cancel or renew a dependent visa, the dependent will be considered an illegal resident. 


Dubai is one of the emirates best known for its classic infrastructure, educational system, law, and work opportunities for emirates. Getting in touch with an expert visa specialist will be best for you to get a spouse visa in Dubai.

Document attestation is mandatory to apply for a visa. Get your documents attested from the concerned authorities with the help of SEPL Document Clearing LLC in Dubai.

SEPL is the leading attestation agency in Dubai, authorised by the Ministry of Foreing Affairs (MOFA). We are the ones that offer fast and secure attestation and apostille services for all documents. 

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